summary: PuTTY doesn't support the BINARY option class: bug: This is clearly an actual problem we want fixed. difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them. priority: medium: This should be fixed one day. present-in: 0.53b 2002-12-19 fixed-in: 2002-12-20 6adef8429abf791f442e8d21a8dc6295c36bbbcd (0.54)
PuTTY doesn't support the TELNET
BINARY option.
RFC 1123
(section 3.3.3)
states that TELNET implementations MUST support it, so its absence is
a bug.
SGT, 2002-12-19: I've checked in an implementation which should
appear in 2002-12-20 and beyond.
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