summary: Reset terminal state when restarting session class: semi-bug: This might or might not be a bug, depending on your precise definition of what a bug is. difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them. priority: medium: This should be fixed one day. fixed-in: r6577 dd73d2a8366ed1e1bb42b7c63003b8393589b8c1 2006-02-20 (0.59)
PuTTY now has the ability to reuse terminal
windows with the `Restart Session' option. However, the
terminal may be in some bad state (cursor off, black text on black
background, or whatever), or the prompts for the new session may
appear in the middle of the previous session's output.
We could put more effort into sanitising the terminal state, while keeping
the previous session's info on screen for reference. Suggested actions
(to take place when the new session starts):
Reset all attributes to defaults (colours, bold, cursor, character set
etc etc);
Move cursor to the first column;
Move cursor to after the last "used" row on the screen, scrolling
down if necessary.
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