summary: Ability to explicitly select SCP/SFTP backend in PSCP class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement. difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them. priority: medium: This should be fixed one day. fixed-in: 2004-04-26 b9da1524d95559132cbaf6442271fa1eea6e7a7d (0.55)
It would sometimes be useful for users to be able to explicitly select
the backend that PSCP uses, with command-line options -scp
and -sftp.
As a side effect, -sftp could easily make PSCP look
harder for an SFTP server, in the same way that PSFTP does currently.
(But the only reason it can't always do this is a grotty
implementation detail which will be swept away come the revolution.)
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