summary: Option to leave DNS lookup to proxies class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement. difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them. priority: medium: This should be fixed one day. fixed-in: 2002-12-19 a564ad314016e6334b863671ad98b1f21fd6cfe0 (0.54)
When connecting through a proxy, there should be an option to
leave looking up the hostname to the proxy, to cope with setups
where the client's and proxy's views of the DNS are different
(search paths, client has no DNS configured, etc).
It should be optional; I can imagine wanting to perform the
lookup locally (for similar reasons).
Type IP address into hostname box
Hack the telnet proxy type to send the HTTP commands?
SGT, 2002-12-18: Should now be fixed, although it will want some
testing. Roll on tomorrow's snapshot.
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